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Please if you're running the latest version of your browser and you still see this message. If you see this message, your web browser doesn't support JavaScript or JavaScript is disabled. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings so can function correctly. Wireless Data Rates: 300 Mbps.
Standards: IEEE 802.11n. Color: Black.
Features: Add high speed Wireless-N connectivity to a desktop PC through PCI Express Compatible with PCI-Express equipped computers such as HP Compaq Desktops PCIe Wireless Network Card / PCI Express Wireless NIC / Wireless PCI card Supports Wireless 802.11 N / G (300 Mbps) for high speed wireless Internet applications such as online gaming and Video Streaming Upgrade your internal PCIe Wireless NIC PCIe Wireless N Card Comparable to HP FH971AA. Model #: PEX300WN2X2. Item #: N4085. Return Policy.
Wireless Network Adapters When you’re done building your custom-made PC, you want to make sure you’ll be able to connect to the internet so that you can start downloading and playing your favorite games. While many people prefer plugging directly to an Ethernet drop, there are many instances where this simply isn’t possible or convenient. It is rare that a house will have an Ethernet drop in every room, and you may just not want to deal with the hassle of running a long Ethernet cable all through your house or apartment. Thankfully, wireless adapters have improved greatly in the last few years, with faster transfer speeds, fewer drops in connection, and broader range in coverage.
Compatibility with your router is a non-issue when looking into a wireless adapter. Whether your router is Wireless G, N or AC, most if not all wireless adapters are also backwards compatible. As for what the different numbers mean, they just reference the difference in wireless standards that improve (ie: go faster) with each iteration. Right now, AC is the current fastest wireless bandwidth standard, operating at speeds of 1 gigabit per second and offering a much greater coverage area than its predecessor, Wireless N.
Because of its speed, it is also referred to as Gigabit WiFi. Additionally, your wireless router will often broadcast two different wireless bands at different speeds: 2.5 GHz and 5.0 GHz. The faster band is usually meant for wireless adapters on desktop systems which will need greater speeds for video streaming, downloading, and online gaming. Installation is pretty much painless these days, with the drivers coming pre-loaded on the devices.
Simply plug the adapter into an available USB port on your PC and it will start automatically installing and searching for your wireless network. You can go simple and small with a nano wireless adapter from TP-Link, which can offer speeds of up to 150 Mbps in a package that is smaller than a US quarter. If you’re looking to go all out, then Asus has some very powerful PCI wireless cards that mount into an available PCI slot on your motherboard and can transfer wireless data up to 1300 Mbps. The advantages of having a PCI wireless card is of course first for the speed, but having one is also convenient. You never have to worry about losing it when moving to a new place, and it also frees up another USB port in your system. Intel, Asus, and Edimax all make USB wireless adapters and PCI wireless cards.
Find one that works with your motherboard and current system. For something more midrange, look at one of the wireless adapters from D-Link or Rosewill, but other makers like TRENDnet, Netgear, and Linksys also offer adapters and routers at every price point. It just depends on your budget and use-case scenarios. You will see a lot of options even in the budget tier that offer “dual-band”, which just means that they can pick up both the 2.5 GHz and 5.0 GHz wireless bands that your router broadcasts. Rosewill and D-Link also offer PCI wireless cards, just at a more mid-level price range.
You may not get the same speeds, but you will still free up an additional USB port. Some adapters are also able to transmit Bluetooth, which will allow you to connect your phone or mobile device to your desktop PC. As more gadgets and everyday household appliances become “smart”, the more you have to think about the strain they are all putting on your wireless network. While it’s certainly impressive that a refrigerator can send automatic reminders that the eggs you bought three weeks ago are about to go bad, you don’t really want to prioritize that over your Netflix streaming. While most smart devices require minimal bandwidth, all that can add up. Factor in several smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles and gaming PCs, and you’re bound to experience sluggish speeds that effect your video streaming and gameplay. Luckily, a lot of wireless routers come with their own management software that lets you customize and prioritize traffic.
Bear in mind also that even really powerful routers have their reach limits, so investing in something like a wireless bridge or hub from Netgear, TRENDnet or D-Link can really help clear up the dead zones in your house or apartment. What kind of wireless adapter should I use for gaming? As with most things, it depends on your budget and where the gaming system is in your house. If your desktop computer is on the same floor as the router but not in the same room, then you should be fine with a USB dual band wireless adapter. Many of them have external antennas that allow for greater pickup range. You won’t need to worry about installing it, as most current wireless adapters come bundled with all the necessary drivers needed to get connected.
What does Wireless AC mean? The letters you see following Wireless are just a shorthand to refer to the current wireless standard. AC is the current fastest standard, offering data transmission speeds of 1 gigabit per second. As such, it is often referred to as “Gigabit WiFi”. If you have an older standard router (such as Wireless N), your AC wireless adapter will still work with it, as it backwards compatible even to the previous generation from N, Wireless G.
What is a Wireless PCI card? PCI stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect. The most common component in a PCI slot is the graphics card. However, these slots are compatible with any other hardware so long as it has the PCI connection type.
Wireless PCI cards install in these slots and are often capable of extremely high data transfer speeds, many up to 1300 mbps and higher. Some people also prefer these wireless PCI cards because they can free up an extra USB port on their desktop system.